Tělo a ducha zachránit výživou od Dr. Ewy Dąbrowské v anglické verzi
Kultovní kniha Záchrana těla a ducha s výživou od Dr. Ewy Dąbrowské poprvé v češtině! Zveme vás do Alhambry, kde si ji budete moci zakoupit v tištěné podobě..
We would like to present you a Bestseller, which for over a quarter of a century has helped thousands of people to heal from diseases that medicine has so far considered incurable. An English translation of a well-known in Poland book has just appeared. That book over 25 years ago has helped many people to become familiar with Dr Dąbrowska's diet. The book is available in the Google Play Store.
Soon there will also be a printed edition. We are asking for sharing so that this information can reach as many people as possible.